Saturday, April 16, 2016

2014-2015 regatta winners

Last year there was a boat regatta in Rowlett. If you don’t know what that is, I can tell you. The boat regatta is when people make a boat only out of card board and glue to hold the cardboard together. You can also spray paint the boat and make the boat look pretty and also fashionable. You can compete by yourself or with friends. Also there is an age limit. 

Anyways, let’s get to the point. Last year’s winners where spectacular. The struggled there way through the dirty water and made it to the finish ling. If you would like me to show you how they looked like than I will .Go to this web site.  This was me and my friends.

   This year 2016 there is going to a boat know body has thought of. This boat represents all the Rowlett victims of the 2016 Rowlett tornado. The duck on the top indicates what I and my family found by the shore line across the lake from where the tornado hit. All you tornado victims out there, WE ARE GOING TO WIN FOR YOU THIS YEAR! We have your back.